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Введення нового лексичного матеріалу. – Read and learn the following words and word-combinations.

Заняття 38

Тема: Кухня ресторану.


Вид заняття: лекція-семінар

Мета: Розвивати навички монологічного, діалогічного та писемного мовлення – переказ тексту «Обід у ресторані», лексичний диктант. На прикладі діалогів, пов’язаних із замовленням в ресторані основних блюд, десерту та напоїв, ознайомити студентів із кухнею, яку пропонує ресторан. Вивчити діалоги, вміти використовувати їх у своїй подальшій професійній діяльності.

Обладнання: дошка, словники, підручники, роздатковий матеріал.

Література: л.1 стор.193-201, л.3 стор.49-50, (л.3) стор.72-73 (Unit 9.2-10.1)


Хід заняття:

Вступ. Організаційний момент. Повідомлення теми та мети заняття. Введення в іншомовне середовище. Відпрацювання вимови окремих слів: significant, blackcurrant, bustling, spacious, species, spicy, priced, specialized, shortage, immense, sensitive, famous, selfish, short.

Dear students! Today we’ll continue speaking about eating out, ordering a meal in the restaurant and booking a table in the restaurant.


2. Повторення домашнього завдання. Listen to the dialogue “Ordering a meal” and answer the questions:


Waiter: Bonsoir, vous avez reserve?
Paul: Non, nous n’avons pas. I’m sorry but we don’t speak French.
Waiter: OK. That doesn’t matter. So, there are two of you.
Paul: That’s right.
Waiter: If you would like to follow me, please. There’s a table free by the window. If you would like to sit down. Shall I take your coat, madam?
Mary: Oh, thank you.
Waiter: And here’s the menu. Would you like something to drink before your meal?
Peter: Mary?
Maery: Yes, good idea. What have you got?
Waiter: Martini, Cinzano, Kir – that is white wine with a blackcurrant liqueur, or …
Paul: Yes, I will have a kir too.
Waiter: Two kirs.
Mary: Have you been here before?
Paul: Actually, it was John who recommended this particular restaurant to me but I’ve never been here.
Mary: Well, it’s certainly very pleasant. I’m not entirely sure but I’ve a feeling I came here for a working lunch a few years ago. Oh, thank you.
Paul: Thank you.
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Paul: Mary?
Mary: I think so. But could you tell me what the soup of the day is?
Waiter: Certainly. Today we’re serving a Gratinee a I’Oignon. That is a French onion soup topped with croutons and cheese.
Mary: Sounds good to me. I’ll have that. What do you fancy?
Paul: I think I’ll have the snails. After all, we are in France!
Waiter: And to follow?
Mary: OK, I’ll have the rack of lamb, please but could you do it without the mint sauce, please? I’m allergic to miny.
Paul: Yeah, the lamb looks good. Could you tell me what a choron sauce is?
Waiter: Ah, yes of course. Choron sauce was created by a man called Alexander Etienne Choron., a famous French chef of the 19th century. Choron sauce is a delicious Bearnaise sauce with a tomato puree.
Paul: OK, I will have that!
Waiter: And what would you like to drink?
Mary: What do you recommend?
Waiter: I’d certainly recommend the Cabernet Sauvignon, madam.
Paul So, we will have a bottle of that, please.
Waiter: Thank you. So that’s one soup of the day and one plate of snails followed by two rack of lamb and a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon.
Paul: That’s right.
Waiter: Thank you, sir


Answer the questions after listening to the dialogue above:

1. What do they order to drink?

2. Have they been to the restaurant before?

3. What starters do they order?

4. For what reason does Paul choose his starter?

5. What main courses do they order?

6. What special request does Mary make?

7. What is a choron sauce?

8. What are they going to have to drink with their meal?


b) Лексичний диктант. – Listen to the words and write them down:

a) bustling; b) moderately-priced; c) total: d) common: e) flaky; f) immense; g) spiced; h) significant; i) blackcurrant; j) serve food.


Введення нового лексичного матеріалу. – Read and learn the following words and word-combinations.

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