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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Exercise 56 For each means of transport choose the appropriate verb. Build at least one sentence with each verb.

  car bus train plane bicycle ferry
get into / out of            
get on / off            
take off / land            
catch / miss            


Exercise 57 Complete the conversations with the correct expressions. Practise these flashes in the dialogues of your own.


I’m sorry Excuse me of course Pardon

A: …! Can I get passed?

B: …?

A: Can I get passed, please?

B: …. I didn’t hear you. Yes, ….

A: Thanks a lot.


That’s right Oh, what a pity Congratulations Never mind I hear

A: … you’re going to get married soon. …!

B: …, next July. July 21. Can you come to the wedding?

A: …! That’s when we’re away on holiday.

B: …. We’ll send you some wedding cake.

A: That’s very kind.


Hurry up all right Oh, dear Just a minute I haven’t a clue

A: …! Look at the time! …, or we’ll miss the train.

B: …! I can’t find my umbrella. Do you know where it is?

A: …. But you won’t need it. It’s a lovely day. Just look at the sky!

B: Oh, …. Let’s go, then.


Good luck See you later Same to you Good idea

What about you No, of course not

A: … in your exam!

B: …. I hope we both pass.

A: Did you go out last night?

B: …. I went to bed early. …?

A: Me, too. … after the exam. Let’s go for a drink.

B: ….



Noun Suffixes: -ure (-ture), -ment, -ness

Adjective Suffixes: -less, -ful

Adverb Suffix: -ly

Exercise 58 Read and translate the following pairs of words.

To depart – depart ure, to please – pleas ure, to press – press ure, to seize – seiz ure, to sign – signat ure.


Exercise 59 Form the nouns by adding – ment and use them in the sentences.

amuse, engage, improve, achieve


1. There are a lot of … in a big city: plays, films, concerts, football matches and so on. 2. At the meeting the chief of our plant told us about the … in this branch of industry. 3. I have several … next week. 4. Sales figures continue to show signs of ….

Exercise 60 Form adverbs by adding – ly if necessary and use them in the sentences.

complete, smooth, gradual, quick, bright


1. The sun was shining... and we could... see the mountain. 2. The surface of the table is... and clean. 3. The bicycle ran... down the hill. 4. The agronomist spoke about... increase of wheat crop. 5.... the clouds covered the sky and it began raining. 6. I have... forgotten these words. 7. Our school laboratory has a... collection of plants, which grow in our region.


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